Scientific Information Agency

Topics by keywords: 17th century

Horizontal Belt Buckle Hooks in Eastern Europe 16—17th Centuries
Horizontal Belt Buckle Hooks in Eastern Europe 16—17th Centuries

Belt Buckle Hooks in Eastern Europe

Bartelt Kinneman, Philip Timofeev, Kaspar Kalthof II. Career of Foreign Gunsmiths in Russia in the 17th Century
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
Bartelt Kinneman, Philip Timofeev, Kaspar Kalthof II. Career of Foreign Gunsmiths in Russia in the 17th Century

Foreign Gunsmiths in Russia

The scientists told about the Chernigov fortress of the second half of the XVII century
Sumy Historical Archival Journal
The scientists told about the Chernigov fortress of the second half of the XVII century

Chernihiv Fortress in the Second Half of the 17th Century

